音楽:田渕夏海/中村巴奈重/斎木達彦/櫻井美希/兼松 衆/中嶋純子/青木沙也果/佐久間奏
1. Celebration
2. Keithresque
3. Darkness Power
4. Rival
5. Resolution
6. One Night's Princess
7. Exciting
8. Pavane in F
9. Valse Brillante
10. Caprice #2
11. Etude "Masquerade"
12. Oh my god!
13. Waltz Royal
14. A Painful Misstep
15. Go to help
16. Fiance
17. Dollhouse Mystery
18. Naughty Fairy
19. Peaceful mind
20. Pure Heart
21. Sorcerer's Waltz
22. From the Bottom of My Heart
23. To the Rescue!!
24. Angel Heart